Saturday, December 31, 2016


Describe a market place or a busy street that you know. [25]

The farmer’s market, located in the center of the city, was the perfect getaway from the towering skyscrapers, the honking of cars, and the crowding city centers. Entering the market, Laura was bombarded with the smells; the sharp cinnamon and cayenne poking her nose, the pungent meats causing her pinch her nose, the muddy odor from leafy vegetables and ripening fruits. She heard the clucking chickens and the callings of the vendors, the county band playing country music and the constant low chatter of the first-comers. The sun had just broken out, blessing the treetops, and so the market had begun. 

Stepping inside, the troubles of the city seemed to be washed away by the freeing wind. The booths were lined in a neat rows, which had looked like building blocks from the top of Laura’s apartment. She strolled around, taking her time to peek at each stall; this day was marked in her calendar four times a month, every Saturday. 

An old woman was selling varieties of honey. Her face was wrinkled, but experienced, from the years in the honey field. She gave a knowing nod to Laura as she poured the thick, gold liquid into a tasting sample, oozing out of the jars. Laura licked it and let the sweet, sticky substance envelop her into a feeling of total relaxation. 

Laura sifted through the fruits in a nearby stall, the ripe strawberries, cherries, oranges, and bananas, smiled back at her with their beautiful array of colors that were hard to gain in the dull city. She handled them carefully, and couldn’t wait to savour each one when she got home. A mother and her daughter had come to the stall. The daughter slept soundly on her mother’s shoulder as she softly completed all of her grocery shopping - the girl didn’t stir even once.

The pie vendor swiftly turned around as Laura called her name. Laura’s mouth began to water as she stared at the peach, pecan, blueberry, and cherry pies. The man smiled at her - his young face amid the general crowd was refreshing, as he had only recently joined the market. His apron was stained with colors of blue, brown, and pink, as though he had been painting.

The barks of dogs interrupted her stroll around the market. Each one seemed happy as it wagged its tail from side to side, their coats were shiny and soft. The crowd was thickening; joggers from their morning run began to come in like ants returning to their anthill. The sun rose overhead, shining fiercely into what had been another wonderful day.

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